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The Belt and Road Medical Assistance Conference 2023

The Belt and Road Medical Assistance Conference 2023 (MASSCON 2023) will be held on 12th August, 2023 in China National Convention Center, Beijing. Themed as “Aviation Medical Rescue and the Belt and Road Medical Assistance Network,” “Drive Change: Towards an Integrated System,” “Protect the Health and Safety of Overseas Chinese Citizens During the Global COVID-19 Epidemic,” and “International Travel and Medical Rescue under COVID-19 Pandemic,” previous MASSCON have focused on the establishment of the Silk Road of Health Cooperation and the construction of the community of common health for mankind. Great importance has been attached to the development of international emergency rescue and the improvement of the international rescue system to ensure the health and safety of overseas Chinese.

In order to keep the original intention of MASSCON, based on the opinions of relevant experts, our center has theme MASSCON 2023 as “Transformation and Upgrade: New Opportunities and Challenges for International Emergency Medical Assistance.” The aim is to address the new responsibilities and problems faced by the international emergency rescue industry, and explore the establishment of extensive contacts and cooperation with main businesses in this arena, and promote the safe, scientific and efficient operation of China’s international emergency medical rescue work.

MASSCON 2023 plans to invite representatives from both Chinese and international governments and industries associated with security and rescue as well as those pertaining to medical insurance and medical and academic research, together with key Chinese enterprises and rescue equipment manufacturing industries, etc.10 senior experts from various fields will delve into the conference’s theme from multiple perspectives, such as policy theory, industry development, international experience, and case sharing.

Agenda for the MASSCON 2023 (Draft)


Speech by the leader of IHECC


Speech by the leader of Chinese Red Cross Foundation


Speech by the leader of China Association for Disaster & Emergency Rescue Medical


Speech by Thierry Meyrat from International Committee of the Red Cross


Security challenges faced by foreign medical aid and countermeasures


Improve the level of aviation emergency rescue system in the new era


Features of overseas insurance in the new era


Release of Consensus of Key Chinese Enterprises in Engineering and Medical Services in the “Belt and Road”


Introduction to the medical rescue situation in countries related to the Belt and Road 


Issues Chinese citizens should pay attention to when traveling abroad


Application of rescue products in rescue cases (Enterprise 1)


Psychological health management in the post-pandemic era


Application of rescue products in rescue cases (Enterprise 2)


Self-protection of overseas Chinese under the new international situation


Application of rescue products in rescue cases (Enterprise 3)


Experience sharing in aiding Turkeys earthquake disaster area


Conclusion speech